
Cathy Duffy Reviews
“The course work is academically challenging and should prepare students well to actually speak the language and to be prepared for future academic study of the language. This is a unique resource for language acquisition. I was initially skeptical, but the more I worked with the program, the more impressed I was by it. You can try the first 15 lessons for free without even having to sign up.” Click here to read the entire review.

Homeschooling family
“I just wanted to say thank you again for the ULAT. My teens are loving it and learning so much Spanish already! They are already talking to each other in Spanish and feel so much more comfortable speaking it than I ever did growing up and learning it from a book.”

Homeschooling mother from Georgia
“Spanish has started again. Two of my children do the lessons together, and, as I type, laughter is ringing! They are 17 & 15. I know that they are not only learning Spanish, but this is also formative for their long-term friendship as siblings. It is a joy. Thank you for ULAT.”

Homeschooling mother from Florida
“Just a quick note to say ‘thank you’ for the ULAT. My family has used your program in our homeschool for years now, slowly and steadily with the older two of my children. Over this time, it’s been a tremendous encouragement and great review of all my years learning Spanish in school, and solid teaching for the kids. What I didn’t realize was how much of a difference the oral emphasis made until my 14-year-old son, Paul, and I went to Argentina at the end of January on a mission trip with our church. We were on a bilingual team, and of course, interacting with Spanish speakers for a week. When we signed up, I really didn’t know how it would go…but it was wonderful! I loved that he had the confidence to speak in Spanish – not just writing and book knowledge as in a traditional program. It has made such a difference! (and I have gained confidence too!) In short, the ULAT has surpassed my expectations, and we are grateful!”

Former French immersion teacher in Canada
“I wish to thank you so much for your innovative and highly effective program. My boys have been learning French through your free lessons, and I have been blown away by your methods as well as their swift progress! As a former French Immersion teacher here in Canada, I wish that I had known about your methodology years ago! My six-year-old goes around the house speaking in French independently and he loves doing his daily French lessons, sometimes even asking to do two in one day!”

Homeschooling mother from Texas
“We are a homeschool family with two teenagers. We have been homeschooling for years, but I only heard about ULAT two months ago through a Facebook group. I am beyond grateful for this program! After just six weeks of doing the free lessons, the listening comprehension and speaking ability of my son and daughter are truly astounding to me – and I was a Spanish minor in college! Listening and conversation are STILL my weak points, so I started doing ULAT lessons with my kids. Its effectiveness is far superior to the textbook method. They not only speak sentences and answer the verbal questions correctly, but they are able to quickly recognize a mistake when they make one and correct themselves. I’m just blown away by this and so happy to have found a program that truly works!”

Homeschooling mother from Tennessee
“What a joy it has been to discover ULAT! [My daughter] was so excited to be able to say ‘I live in a house’ after the first video. It made me realize that most programs teach students to be more skilled as language grammarians/translators and less skilled conversationalists. Our whole family is learning together because it is so accessible.”

Homeschooling mother in Mississippi
“We homeschool two kids, boy (10) and girl (12), and I have tried to start Spanish instruction with them over the years. My kids love your lessons. My very serious and mature boy actually does the hand motions and declared you ‘funny’ during our very first lesson. They both like you and quite frankly these three lessons have gotten us further than I have managed on my own in 3 years. We’ve only completed the first 3 lessons and haven’t signed up yet, but we will. I’m not a fluent speaker it’s been over 25 years since I’ve had a Spanish course so I’m learning along with them and trying to keep from throwing in any spoilers along the way. I read the ‘history’ on the ULAT site today and I just wanted to say thank you! You probably should charge much more, but this small-business-owning and homeschooling family appreciates the affordability!”

Homeschooling mother
“I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to have stumbled across your Spanish ULAT program. I found it through a homeschooling review, and boy have we been so pleased! YOUR TEACHING IS EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR FOR YEARS!! It just makes sense! I have personally been trying to learn Spanish for 21 years, this is the most effective curriculum that I have used-by far! Now, I am learning alongside my daughter. A great moment happened the other day when she (14 years old) told me, “Mom, I just said it in Spanish without even thinking about it!” It is so encouraging, and fun (you are quite funny) that she is eager to learn! I don’t even have to remind her to complete her Spanish. I am spreading the word about your program to other homeschoolers.”

Homeschooling mother whose children attend the ULAT’s online classes
“We have been so blessed to have found you online – a friend mentioned ULAT to me a little over a year ago, and we began small, going slowly through the free lessons until it was a good time to pay for the subscription. When we became subscribers our family started using ULAT daily (in smaller doses) – and the kids have loved it. (I’ve got 17, 15 & 12 year olds using it right now.) Well, then you started the online classes – and my 15 year old has been so enthusiastic about keeping up with the weekly lessons, that she has been going ahead of us in order to be prepared for class each week. She has roped in her brother (12) – and they both love it. I love to hear them speaking French with each other when they are able, and I am finding them more motivated then ever – something just clicked! I’ve only had experience with Spanish and Italian myself (and a wee bit of Czech) – and your resources have made their study of French possible beyond what I would have thought possible – as a complete French novice myself, and with a very limited budget! Thank you so much! They truly love it – and you make them laugh – which is a lovely bonus.”

Language teacher from Australia writing to a friend
“You have NO IDEA how glad I am that you sent this!!! We have been using the ULAT daily since we spoke and we have all fallen totally in love with it!!! As a languages teacher, I am completely convinced that immersion is the ONLY effective, genuine and logical way to learn a foreign language. The ULAT is absolutely brilliant. The guy is just lovely! How inspiring and positive and encouraging he is! I am so grateful to have found this resource after using other second grade stuff and feeling very disillusioned as to HOW we were actually going to be able to learn Spanish!”

Homeschooling mother
I’ve been searching for the best language program for some time now. Steve, this is a very affordable, homeschool friendly, super awesome value language program that is probably impossible to find anywhere else. It is difficult because you speak Spanish while giving instructions, but that IS THE WONDERFUL THING about it! I spent some time in Europe and without immersion, language would have come very slowly, and pronunciation would be atrocious. So I am super thankful and will be joining shortly to continue classes with my children!

Homeschooling mother and ESL teacher
My 16 year old son has been using your Spanish I program and LOVES it. We both love it. It’s music to a homeschooling mom’s ears when her child voluntarily says, “I love my ____ class.” I am familiar with French rather than Spanish, so I don’t know what he’s saying, but he sounds great!

I have taught ESL online for 3 years to Chinese children. I was thrilled to discover your curriculum because your priorities in teaching foreign language align with what I have found to be true. TPR is hugely beneficial for students’ understanding and retention. On the occasions that I have watched a lesson of yours, you have given me some great ideas for my ESL classes! You figure out a hand motion for everything and this is of such great benefit to the students.

Also, I can tell the difference in students who tried to learn to read prior to speaking/listening to English. It is so much harder for them. It just makes good sense to mimic the way we naturally learn our native language.

Finances have been difficult for our family in recent years, so I thank you so much for your very reasonable prices. We are huge fans and I wholeheartedly recommend your curriculum to fellow homeschoolers.

Spanish teacher at Lansing Christian School in Michigan
It’s a wonderful program and I have had fantastic results now that I am using it on a full-time basis with my 4th through 7th graders. I have had approximately 95% participation compared to just 50% when it was just me teaching. What I have really noticed is that those who would not participate, now do so because they say it is a fun way to learn and it makes sense! I had one student say, “Please don’t change to a different program. I have learned so much from this (the ULAT).”

Homeschooling mother
I am a homeschool mom of a young son and toddler. We had been doing various French methods and it had not been a joy for him nor I. In addition, he hadn’t remembered much. However, through chatter on a Facebook homeschool page, I learned of ULAT. I went to the site, read Steve’s history on creating the program and gave it a shot. After 2 weeks, my son just adores this program. The repetition of the words and the games where he has to gesture and say the word in an allotted time have really given him a joy in his lessons. Thank you for creating this program and easily putting it out there for people like us to use. It has been a blessing and I look forward to completing the entire program!

Homeschooling mother from Missouri
I have to tell you, we actually used your program some years ago when we lived in Nebraska, with much success. While only able to finish one year, my older daughter has been told by her Hispanic co-workers that her pronunciation is very accurate. In addition, my son felt that his Spanish classes at college were not as difficult as he expected, and was able to get an A in both.

Mary Pride, publisher of Practical Homeschooling magazine
Referring to the ULAT’s iLearn award for 2018 as the nation’s leader in user satisfaction among online interactive foreign language curriculum, Mrs. Pride wrote: “Beating out huge companies such as Rosetta Stone, the relatively unknown ULAT took first place in the foreign language category. We have found and used the program ourselves, and can see why those who have tried it are so highly satisfied.”

Homeschooling mother from Connecticut
“Your Spanish program has been an amazing answer to prayer for my family. My boys 11 and 13 are thriving with it. It’s the most economical and effective program we’ve ever tried and through the review crew we’ve tried quite a few. I’m praying for your success. I’ve been singing your praises in all of my homeschool Facebook groups.”

Homeschooling mother from Texas
“As a mom homeschooling using the Charlotte Mason method, I have found your program to be much more effective for learning than my minor in it at (name of university). Charlotte Mason advocated teaching children up to three modern foreign languages, adding one at a time, in addition to Latin. Most families I know choose either French or Spanish as their language. But the moms have little confidence as they don’t know the languages themselves. For me, the ULAT has been my solution and whenever I’ve seen it mentioned by others in the Charlotte Mason community, whether for use by mothers or older students, it has been raved about and highly encouraged…”

High school French teacher in Georgia
“Last May, my two students tried to read a French TPRS chapter book, after having studied about half of French 1 with a textbook. They probably knew about 60% of the words in each paragraph. After three months with the ULAT, they now know about 90% of the words in each paragraph! They keep exclaiming over verbs they now recognize: perdre, chercher, donner, aider, etc. It’s great to see their excitement!”

Homeschooling mother in Israel
“Congratulations! This is a great program. In this short period that we’ve been using ULAT my kid retained more information than with any other program that we used in the last two years.”

Homeschooling mother from Ontario
“We are all sorry we didn’t find the ULAT years ago. My husband is constantly amazed at how our children keep popping out with French sentences and questions at random times. They have never done that with any other program.”

Homeschooling mother from South Carolina
“We are a pastor’s family of 8 that heard of the ULAT through word of mouth. We have had the goal to speak Spanish fluently as a family but all the different curricula we have used had not helped us much. We started using the first few lessons and have learned so much already! Now even our four year old and two year old walk around speaking a little Spanish. We love the ULAT and have been telling all our friends.”

A tutor in northern Mexico using the ULAT to teach English
“… your ULAT concept is outstanding. Using sign language as you introduce new words is very effective in helping students understand and most importantly, retain the English learned. The exercises which follow each lesson provide the perfect reinforcement. My student learned quickly and she really enjoyed the course. Like many students, she felt anxious about her ability to learn English. But the ULAT concept gave her almost immediate confidence, which of course, greatly facilitated her progress.

Homeschooling mother from California
“Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into developing this program. I studied Spanish for years in school and have tried several programs for teaching my children. ULAT is the best I have seen. The children love it and are actually learning to speak Spanish! I can’t wait to use it to learn French with them when they are older.”

Homeschooling mother from Arkansas
“Thank you so much for creating The ULAT. We home educate and have been sorely disappointed with the types of programs out there for foreign languages. This fits so perfectly with The Charlotte Mason method that we follow and I couldn’t be more pleased. Apart from this being an excellent program, you are a great teacher and we often laugh at the screen because it seems like you can see and hear us. Our little children walk around saying little French phrases because they enjoy being a part of the lessons as well.

It’s so important for others to know that your program is worth the investment. Your program creates real learning. And like Plutarch said, ‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.'”

Homeschooling mother from South Dakota
“I’ve been using the ULAT for the last couple of years to teach Spanish to my three children in our homeschool. They are 11, 9 and 8 years old. We take things slow and only cover a part of a lesson each day. I’ve been very pleased with what they have learned. I’ve also retained more Spanish than I did from my four years of classes in high school and college. Thank you for such a great resource!”

John Frederick Shoffstall, high school Spanish teacher in Michigan
The ULAT is a foreign language acquisition curriculum that gives students the opportunity to learn a second language naturally. Through the use of pictures, gestures, video, and audio, students learn to orally communicate and converse in the target language. The goal is that students become fluent speakers and listeners first. After the conversational component is realized, the student will then pick up a pencil and begin to focus on written communication and more extensive readings. This manner of learning reflects the way a person learns a language naturally: speaking and listening first, and then reading and writing.

Furthermore, the ULAT gives the educator a strong foundation to provide the immersion setting the world language classroom requires. The teacher is able to present vocabulary contextually by gestures and pictures which are linked to audio clips in the program. Students learn by relating verbs and other vocabulary to motions and pictures which represent the meaning of those words. As students click on pictures, they hear the target language and immediately start to connect the words to a meaning tied to the picture. Again, this is a very natural way of learning the target language and eradicates the need of translating from the first language to the target language. A tool like this leads to true fluency and acquisition of a world language.

The program has had a tremendous influence on my capacities with the Spanish language as well. As a high school student, I learned Spanish from this program. In college I was commended often during my first year for my knowledge of the language and my ability to communicate. The program (and great teaching) gave me the base I needed to succeed in college-level Spanish courses. Now I am teaching Spanish and use the program as the foundation of my curriculum. After one semester, I have seen students grow by leaps and bounds. Furthermore, due to the program I have a structured resource that allows me to teach my classes completely in the target language. I would recommend that this program be used in any school where acquisition is truly the goal. It truly provides a great foundation for students and educators who work with a world language daily.

Parent of a student using the ULAT in her private school in Arizona
“This is the program that I am using to learn French and that my daughter is using at school to learn Spanish. I chose the ULAT for my personal use because it makes so much sense to learn French in the same manner in which I learned English. As a parent, I did not teach my children English by handing them a textbook and a list of verbs to conjugate. I used repetition, gestures and visual cues long before introducing printed material (and so did you). As a learner, I want true ownership of French, not just the feeling that I’m constantly translating my English thoughts.”

Homeschooling mother from South Carolina
“I am happy with this program. My daughter is too. She was going to a co-op once a week last year where she signed up to take a Spanish class, and she certainly benefited from your program. One day she told me, “Mom, today my teacher asked me, ‘What country are you from?'” Thanks for this great program you provide!”

Sara Sanchez-Mustapha, former Spanish teacher at Grand Ledge High School in Grand Ledge, Michigan
“I had an incredible visit to Lansing Christian School. The teacher (Mr. Nesbitt), students, curriculum (the ULAT) and classroom environment that I observed were of the highest caliber. I observed both Spanish I and Spanish II and was astounded by the level of the students’ fluency. I felt like I was observing a beginning college course rather than high school Spanish students…I am so thrilled to have had the opportunity to observe this awesome teacher. The creativity, effort and passion put forth to create this cutting edge curriculum are absolutely noteworthy. Students that experience language learning in this rich environment exhibit remarkable Spanish skills in the present, and will undoubtedly reap many rewards from this class as they continue their academic careers and studies of Spanish.”
Read the entire report

Homeschooling mother from Minnesota
“I am a homeschooling mother of two high school students who just started using the ULAT course this year. We love it! We have used several other programs, and never before have we found one so easy to use, so thorough, or so reasonably priced. We are learning to speak and to communicate faster and more easily than ever before and the videos are both helpful and entertaining. Thank you, Mr. Nesbitt! We now look forward to learning more instead of dreading it!!”

Homeschooling mother from the state of Washington
“What my children have most enjoyed about the program is the teacher’s gentle sense of humor and the ability to work at their own pace. The semester my son spent with ULAT French gave him a jump start on his high school French class. The lessons are a perfect mixture of review and new learning, with vocabulary that, unlike some oral language programming, is appropriate for older students and families. We follow the Charlotte Mason approach in our homeschool, and the oral-first method is exactly what she recommended for second language learning. The kids both wonder if Mr. Nesbitt really has a twin brother, and they both feel they know him personally – the best way, I think, to learn a language is by getting to know a new friend in that language. The lessons feel very true to life, very natural in that way.”

Homeschooling mother from Tennessee
“We have already begun the French lessons in our homeschool setting. I am thoroughly enjoying the format. I have great respect for the technique you have done so much work on, and I certainly think it’s the right track as far as language acquisition. Clean visuals, exposure to fluent speech, and the closest attempt at interactive conversation I have yet seen in an online curriculum. Bravo!”

Homeschooling mother from South Carolina
“I am a part of a homeschool email group, and one of the moms recommended your program. I couldn’t believe the price. I thought it was too good to be true, so I had to check it out for myself. I intended to check it out for just a few minutes but ended up watching your videos for several hours! I learned so much!!! Your program really is incredible! I’m so excited to learn Spanish next year, as I will be right alongside my children. I know they will love it! I will also be sharing the program with my friends.”

Jim Koan, former superintendent of Lansing Christian School in Lansing, Michigan and current headmaster of Calvary Christian School in Columbus, Georgia
“Steve’s self-created teaching method (the ULAT) is unique and effective; it was thoroughly reviewed by our administrative team at Lansing Christian and embraced as the model by which we would conduct foreign language instruction. Steve was able to efficiently and effectively teach his fellow foreign language teaching colleague his ULAT methodology so that a more effective means of teaching Spanish could be conducted at Lansing Christian at the Elementary and Middle School level (his primary teaching assignments are in the high school). His daily lessons are filled with his energetic and engaging demonstrations which reinforce to the students the meaning of the words they are learning. He uses props, high tech visuals, and persistent, patient one-on-one dialogue with each student to ensure that every student in his class learns Spanish. In a little over two years Steve reversed the trend at LCS before he arrived of discouraged students and declining interest in a foreign language to a program in which students are pursuing AP and CLEP test opportunities in Spanish. Students are clamoring to take 4 years of Spanish when only 2 are required.”
Read the entire letter

Carol Stines, former Director of International Programs at Phoenix Christian Preparatory School Phoenix, AZ
“We began using the ULAT program in our foreign language classes about 7 years ago. We were impressed by the emphasis on verbal communication right from the start. The combination of actions and words causes the students to remember. As has been said, “There’s memory in muscle”. Combining logical actions with the vocabulary makes a huge difference in student’s ability to acquire the language. Plus, there is no translating, The students think in the target language without going through the wasteful step of going back to their English to comprehend. I would recommend the ULAT program for any school for use in teaching foreign languages as well as English.”

Homeschooling mother from Arkansas
“Thank you for offering such a wonderful language program!! We’ve tried them all without success. Yours is truly top notch! Thank you for making it affordable for our family of 11.”

Starr Velasquez, Spanish Teacher at Lansing Christian School in Michigan
“The ULAT program is truly an amazing tool for teaching students how to speak Spanish. They learn not only by hearing but by seeing and also performing the gestures that they have learned. This type of learning targets students at all levels. The students are able to remember easier because they are using a variety of senses as a way of communicating. The gestures are very natural as they are the signs that we would normally use while speaking with someone, which makes learning the ULAT that much easier. One of the many advantages to the program is that the students can go online to hear, see and mimic what Steve does in the classroom and that is wonderful! I have had the privilege to work with the program owner for over 6 years…”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“I entered college with the intent to be a Spanish major, after having thoroughly enjoyed Spanish under Mr. Nesbitt. I was discouraged that the college-level teaching was not as rigorous and helpful as what I’d experienced in high school and ended up dropping the major due to frustration. I continued studying Spanish via the ULAT while in college and consider myself a fluent Spanish speaker because of it. I am heading to Spain this summer to study the language further. Thank you, Mr. Nesbitt, for teaching me to love Spanish and for making learning so accessible.”

High school student concurrently taking a college French class
I cannot tell you how much I miss your class. I began taking French at (name of college) this year and my professor, though he’s a Frenchman, translates everything from English and it hurts my brain. You taught me to think in French and I’m now realizing just how unique of a teaching method you had, and oh I miss it! Thank you, Monsieur, for everything you’ve taught me – not just French, but confidence as well. I know I wouldn’t have thought I could speak a word of French in a college class if it wasn’t for you. As it is the class I’m taking now is quite a bit below my level, but I was very excited to see that the ULAT was still up and running and I plan to use it for some serious review.

Graduate of the ULAT program
“I really enjoyed your Spanish classes in high school, and found them to be more useful and well-run than the Spanish classes I took at the collegiate level (in fact, there really is no comparison.) Because of my solid background in the Spanish language from your classes, I was far, far more advanced than my peers in speaking the language. It was frustrating to see my professors place such a high premium on writing the language, almost to the detriment of a student’s conversational skills. I have been tempted, over the years, to use the ULAT to teach myself French, and to use it to brush up on Spanish—it’s enjoyable, user-friendly, and quite simply, EFFECTIVE, and I hope you continue to use it in the future with your students.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“I wanted to tell you about how much my Spanish training has already come in handy this summer. I went on a mission trip a few weeks ago and one of the girls on my missions team is from Costa Rica. I did not have much of an opportunity to speak with her while we were working, but when we had some down time I decided to give it a try. I found that it was very natural for me to be able to converse with her, and we could understand each other very well. She later told me that I am the first high school student that she has been able to have a real conversation with, which was very special to me. For that, I have to say thank you. “

Graduate of the ULAT using its methods to teach English in China
I’m just writing to you to thank you for your amazing and unique teaching method because it helped me SO MUCH in a recent experience:

Last month I spent a few weeks in a high school in a remote town in Southwest China (near the border of Laos) teaching English as a volunteer to around 60 Chinese high school students there. The students barely spoke any English and disliked the subject because, for them, it was mainly useless memorization and grammar. While they had lists of medium-level English vocabulary memorized, they had no idea how to use them in sentences.

As I was planning my lessons there, I knew that I mustn’t continue to teach the students “useless English” and at least help them love learning English (and see its purpose) during the short time I’m there. So I reflected upon how you taught us French and basically borrowed your methods of teaching languages in a way that people would learn their first languages: I used pictures and videos instead of Chinese translation, had an “English and sign language only” rule, focused on conversational English instead of vocabulary/spelling, encouraging them to talk even if they mess up the grammar, and occasionally played games that allowed them to practice what they had learned…

The students loved this teaching method and I saw them improving so much. Originally shy students who became so embarrassed when called upon because they could only speak separate English words – by the time we left, they were able to introduce themselves, talk about the weather, greet others, and make easy conversation in English confidently.

Without your class and your influence, I definitely wouldn’t have come up with so many teaching ideas and methods, and the students I taught would not have improved as much. So again, thank you SO MUCH! Your foreign language teaching methods are indeed amazing and so beneficial!

Graduate of the ULAT program
“I had my first Spanish class (in college) …it was AWESOME. Suffice it to say, I am not nervous. I was one of the best speakers with basically the best accent when we were practicing in class. One girl asked me if I had lived in another country. I am not saying this to brag, but rather to tell you that you prepared me more than I could have asked.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“I am not sure if you remember me, but I was a student of yours and graduated in 2007 from LCS. I loved, and I mean loved, your Spanish classes and didn’t realize how intelligently designed and formatted your lessons and website were until I got to college and took Spanish classes here. I started out with a minor in Spanish, but decided to change to math because the Spanish program here was unimpressive to me after your classes. I am developing a Spanish curriculum for my own students as I enter the teaching world next fall and would love to have access to your website in order to see it again. I haven’t found anything since then as helpful as the ULAT that you used in class!”

Graduate of the ULAT program
I went to orientation the other day, and I was asking about class credits. Since I was there, they told me I should take the 15-minute test that determines your real capabilities in the language. So, I took the test, and, as it turns out, I’m actually taking a 300 level Spanish class, and if I pass, I’ll already have a minor in Spanish.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“The ULAT has been so helpful in having “sticky” language learning. After being taught with this program and the instruction of Mr. Nesbitt, I am still able to have basic conversations in Spanish after only two school years of study. It’s also created a desire in me to work in Bible translation, and hope that it’s possible.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“I learned Spanish in high school using the ULAT taught by Mr. Nesbitt and I am so thankful for having done so. It is something that had been crafted over a number of years and strategically designed to integrate a new language to your mind. It breaks down the extensive task of mastering a new language in such a way that allows for comprehension that goes far beyond most conventional methods. It not only allows for greater comprehension, but its presented in a way that allows your mind to retain the information. It isn’t something you grasp for 6 months and then it’s lost. I am so thankful for both the ULAT and the inspiring work of Mr. Nesbitt.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“It made my college Spanish class like 5 times easier, even a couple years after high school.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“My college professors said my French accent was impeccable and my ability to actually speak the language was impressive compared to most incoming students – most students only knew how to write.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“The method of your teaching style is one that I will never forget, using hand movements for each word, and associating that mentally really makes recall fast and accurate. I wish all language classes in schools everywhere were taught in that manner. Thank you sincerely for sharing your ULAT teaching program with me. I hope and pray that you keep expanding it, and reach out to as many people as possible.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“I am very grateful to have had such a wonderful French teacher. I think your method of teaching is both revolutionary and effective. By involving so many senses in the learning process (hearing, speaking, doing, seeing and eventually reading) it helped us to be quick to remember and slow to forget. I appreciate how much time you have put into the ULAT and as well as your effort to help us master each topic.”

A college freshman and graduate of ULAT program having had just two years of high school Spanish
“Thank you so much for all the hard work you’ve put into me and the other Spanish alum. I’m currently taking Spanish II at (name of college), but they’re already looking to put me in Spanish 3. That really has to do with your program and your teaching style. Whether it reflected a lot in the gradebook, I really have learned quite a lot from the ULAT. So, thanks again for all your hard work since it’s really paid off at least in my life…and another side note, please please please keep your theulat.com up and running. I think it will help me more than these textbooks. Thanks.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“I took the Spanish placement exam for college and placed in the highest possible entry course – Spanish 202. Thought you’d be pretty excited about that 🙂 I know I am. So extra thanks for all the hard work you have done to teach us. I’m still thinking about minoring in Spanish.”

Graduate of the ULAT program
“I just wanted to write you and tell you thank you for your teaching all four years of my high school career. On Thursday of last week, I took the CLEP test. I ended up receiving a score good enough to earn me 8 credits at my college next year and tested me out of Spanish I and II. Eight credits is half a semester’s workload for me and will aid me a ton in college. The score I received on the CLEP gave me an equivalent credit amount as an AP test score of “4” and all this is because of your hard work and dedication to teaching students Spanish. I will never forget the huge impact you have made on my life.”

Graduate of ULAT program after just two years of high school Spanish
“Thank you very much, Mr. Nesbitt. I just also wanted to mention that I cannot express how much of an impact your Spanish class has had on me. Even I cannot believe how much of the language I understand most the time. I have a man that I am friends with at my job out at (name of a golf course), his name is Antonio and I would not have been able to be friends with him had I not taken your course. I know this for a fact. Antonio is a very great man but understands almost no English. He was amazed when I told him that I had only taken two years of Spanish. I told him that I had a very good professor.

I had another situation not long ago where I needed to change reservations for some plane tickets me and (classmate’s name) had gotten. We had tried countless times to call the airlines 24 hour number but just could not get through. So then I kinda jokingly suggested that maybe I should try to call the Spanish number that was listed and try my best to get the gist of what our situation was. And of course the call went straight through and all of a sudden I was on the phone with a Spanish-speaking lady. I was hesitant and unsure to say the least but managed to stick to the basics like you had taught us and she was able to fix the problem on the computer and that ended up saving us over $100 in penalties for the errors on our tickets.

Well I just thought that you might enjoy hearing that your Spanish course is effective to say the least. I am really glad that I was able to take your class…thanks again for everything Mr. Nesbitt, you are a magnificent teacher and role model and I hope God continues to bless you for your dedication to young men and women.”